Volunteer celebration logo for 2024

Volunteer for the Future

Golden Gate Area Council Volunteer Celebration

Saturday, March 2, 2024
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Alameda Elks Lodge


Click on a blue program feature to learn more about the award and the honorees.

Opening FlagsShip 72

WelcomeSteve Bauer

InvocationMike “Fuji” Fujimoto

Council Executive RemarksMike Hale

Veteran AwardsMike Hale

William D Boyce New-Unit Organizer AwardBrian Sullivan
Special Needs Scouting Service AwardTony Mei
Torch of Gold AwardTony Mei

Sea Scout Leadership AwardsSteve Welch

Venturing Leadership AwardsTamara Sokolov

ThanksSteve Bauer

Learning for Life Leadership AwardStuart Mahler & Paul Lanzi

International Scouter’s AwardsRoy Adams

Asian American Spirit of Scouting AwardFlory Dekovic
iScouting!… Vale la Pena! Service AwardFlory Dekovic
Medal of Merit AwardMike Allison

National Eagle Scout Association AwardsBrian Weaver

SongMike “Fuji” Fujimoto
James E. West FellowshipBrian Putt
Council President RemarksTom Weibert

2024 Silver Beaver AwardsSkip Phair

ClosingSteve Bauer

WelcomeSteve Bauer

Steve Bauer’s started his adult scouting adventure, starting with Pack 643 in Briones as a Den Leader and Cubmaster. He also served as an Assistant Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner and attended Wood Badge in 2009. He later bridged into Troop 200 with his son, where he became an Assistant Scoutmaster. Steve also served as a committee member for Venturing Crew 200 with his daughter for multiple years, while his wife, Stacey Bauer served as the Crew 200 Advisor. He then went on to found Troop 200G and became their first Scoutmaster. At the district and council level, Steve became a Unit Commissioner and taught and volunteered at ILOS, LEAD, and Briones Troop Challenge for many years. He joined Venturing Crew 122 acting as “Head Cookie” for White Stag Youth Leadership’s weeklong summer program running the kitchen in 2021 and 2022. In 2014, Steve returned to Wood Badge as a staff member, and he continued to staff multiple courses and was the Wood Badge Fall 2023 Course Director. Both of his children achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, Michael earning his in 2016 and Jennifer earning hers in 2021. Steve has been recognized with the Unit Award of Merit, District Award of Merit, and Silver Beaver.

Council Executive RemarksMike Hale

Mike began his Scouting career as a District Executive at the Cornhusker Council in Lincoln, Nebraska. He became the Camping Director at the Northeast Illinois Council in Highland Park, Illinois. After serving as a Program Director in Mt Prospect, Illinois, and the Director of Support Service in Cincinnati, Ohio, Mike returned to Lincoln as the Scout Executive before becoming an Associate Region Director with the Central Region.

Following his subsequent work in Mission Impact with the National Council, Mike served as an Area Director in the Western Region and rejoined Highland Park as the Scout Executive. Before becoming our next Scout Executive, Mike served the Western Region as the Deputy Region Director and, most recently, as National Service Territory 3 Director, which supports 20 councils in California and Hawaii.
Mike is an Eagle Scout and a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow who enjoys camping, hiking, gardening, and bowling.

Mike and his wife Lynda have four children, all of whom have been very active in scouting, with all of them serving 4 or more years on various camp staffs. Lynda is also an avid and active scouter.

Mike Hale

Veteran AwardsMike Hale

The Scouting Veteran Award was established to recognize those Scouters who have distinguished themselves with an extended tour of duty in the Scouting program. Tenure need not be continuous, but only registered years as a youth and adult can be counted. Click to learn more about the Veteran Award.

Nicole Meyers 5 Years

Don Pace 5 Years

Rian Tiernan 5 Years

William Lew 20 Years

Jeff Silva 20 Years

Tom Steuber 20 Years

Derek Brown 35 Years

Tony Mei 45 Years

Henry Allen 50 Years

William Henrie 50 Years

Ken Rose 50 Years

Dale Wright 50 Years

Stuart Mahler 65 Years

Wayne Bishop 70 Years

William D Boyce New-Unit Organizer AwardBrian Sullivan

The William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award is presented to recognize volunteers who organize one or more traditional Scouting units. The volunteer organizes the unit by following all procedures as published in the Unit Performance Guide using the four pillar steps: 1) Know the Market, 2) Make the Call, 3) Build the Team, and 4) Grow the Unit, ensuring a new-unit commissioner has been recruited and is working with the new-unit organizer at the very beginning of the organizational process. Click to learn more about the William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award.

Joanne Skinner Troop 42 | Herms District

Special Needs Scouting Service AwardTony Mei

The William D. Boyce New-Unit The Special Needs Scouting Service Award recognizes and may be earned by adult volunteers and professionals whose active and outstanding service:

• Involves working with Scouts who have special needs and disabilities,

• Promotes awareness of special needs and disabilities in Scouting,

• Advocates the recruitment, inclusion, and full participation of members who have special needs and disabilities in the programs of the Boy Scouts of America.

Click to learn more about the Special Needs Scouting Service Award.

Linda Owczarz

Linda Ransom

Gary Baysmore

Wallace “Ed” Barnes

Torch of Gold AwardTony Mei

The Torch of Gold is a council-level distinguished award of the Boy Scouts of America to recognize adults for exceptional service and leadership working with Scouts who have special needs and disabilities. Each council may recognize one Scouter per year with the Torch of Gold Award.

The nominee shall be currently registered with the Boy Scouts of America, have at least three years of service in any Scouting leadership capacity related to Scouts with special needs and disabilities. This service includes educating other Scouters about special needs and disabilities and working with youth who have disabilities. Click to learn more about the Torch of Gold .

Linda Owczarz Peralta District

Linda was the driving force behind the successful regional National Special Needs and Disabilities Committee workshop in October 2023 that was hosted by GGAC. Over the past 7 years she has provided proactive support for Scouts with special needs and disabilities at the unit, district, and council level. She has most recently been actively involved in developing a new special needs and disabilities course for inclusion in the National Special Needs & Disabilities Committee training curriculum.

Sea Scout Leadership Awards
Steve Welch

The Sea Scout Leadership Award is presented by councils to Sea Scouts and Sea Scouters who have made exceptional contributions to Sea Scouting and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Scout Law. This is an opportunity to recognize the efforts of the youth and adult leaders who make Sea Scouting happen everyday. Click to learn more about the Sea Scout Leadership Award.

Landon Pace Delta Mariner Ship 317, Boatswain

Landon Currently serves as Ship 317’s Boatswain’s Mate of Admin. and is frequently called upon to fill the role of Boatswain when the current ship Boatswain is unavailable. Landon has a great attitude and is a role model for his fellow scouts, he is always willing to step up and help out whenever it is needed! Landon is present at close to 100% of all ship events and no matter the situation he always has a positive upbeat attitude. Not only is Landon a member of Ship 317 but he is also an Eagle Scout with Troop 100 and an active member of Crew 100. Landon truly exemplifies what it means to be a scout!!!

Donald Pace Delta Mariner Ship 317, Mate

Don has stepped up to fill the role of first mate succeeding Terry Thrasher. Don is a committed scouter and can always be counted on to help out when needed. Don also attends close to 100% of all outings and is always on hand to help the scouts when they are in need. Don is very active with Troop 100, Cub Scout Pack 100 and Venture Crew 100! At his advanced age I am not sure how he does it, but he does and he has been an invaluable asset to Ship 317 since day one!!!

Michael McGarvin Mischief, Ship 6, Skipper

Michael earned Sea Scouting’s highest award, Quartermaster Award, in September of 2019 with Corsair, Ship 22, but had to wait up until February 2021 to be recognized. Michael immediately went into adult Scouter mode and volunteered to be Skipper of Mischief, Ship 6. He has taken his crew to Long Beach to compete in the Southwestern Rendezvous Regatta every year. Michael is also an employee of the San Francisco Maritime Association where he teaches underprivileged high school students how to build wooden boats, row and sail them.

Tatiana “Tati” Orellana Albatross, Ship 72, Boatswain

Tati is an exemplary Boatswain and team leader of the Albatross crew. Through some of our ship’s toughest times, her leadership has shined through as she puts all of her energy into working with our other youth to grow them into their own leadership roles and to grow our team as a whole unit.

Venturing Leadership AwardsTamara Sokolov

The Venturing Leadership Award or VLA for short, is presented to individuals who show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Venturing and Venturers. Click to learn more about the Venturing Leadership Award.

Millicent “Millie” Moon

Millicent “Millie” Moon sought out the Venturing Officers’ Association and volunteered to serve as an Officer. She led the VOA’s communications efforts to Crews in GGAC to provide support. her VOA team also successfully executed the GGAC VOA’s first in-person event since our 2020 council merger; A venturing picnic and paddle day in Tomales Bay. Even after her term concluded in August 2023, Millie continued to support the GGAC VOA by ensuring her successor was trained and providing additional VOA resources as the 2023-24 Territory 3 Venturing Vice President.

Jacqueline “Jackie” Spikes

During her VOA term, Jacqueline “Jackie” Spikes monitored the program metrics of the Council Standards of Venturing Excellence (VOA equivalent of Journey to Excellence) to identify areas in which the VOA can improve upon to meet their term goals. Utilizing the GGAC VOA eNews, she constantly kept Crews informed of important program updates which included changes in requirements, new awards, and other resources from the National VOA intended to support Crews. While staffing Summer Camp at Camp Wente from 2021 – 2023, Jackie took consistently promoted Venturing by informing youth of Venturing training courses, how to form/join a Crew, and why people should join Venturing.

Learning for Life LeadershipStuart Mahler & Paul Lanzi

The Learning for Life Leadership Award is a distinguished award for Explorers, high school Learning for Life program participants, and adult volunteer leaders who have given exceptional leadership in Exploring or Learning for Life programs. The Leadership Award is available annually to all Explorer posts and Learning for Life high school groups.

Qualifications for earning this award include demonstrating exceptional dedication and giving outstanding leadership to the youth participants in either the Learning for Life high school program or Exploring. Click to learn more about Learning for Life Leadership Award.

Officer Mark Andrews of the California Highway Patrol, Explorer Post 335 Advisor

Officer Andrews has been an excellent partner to the scouts of the Golden Gate district — the Sea Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA scouts in our area as well as the Explorer Post scouts.

His dedication to the Explorer program and the positive influence he has had on the youth involved is commendable. Mark consistently demonstrates a passion for fostering personal growth and creating meaningful experiences for those participating in the program.

International Scouter’s AwardsRoy Adams

The International Scouter’s Award encourages Scouters to broaden their involvement in Scouting through participation in world Scouting activities and recognizes Scouters for their contributions to world Scouting. Click to learn more about the International Scouter’s Award.

Deborah Gomez

Rick Nygren

Asian American Spirit of Scouting AwardsFlory Dekovic

The Asian American Spirit of Scouting Award recognizes Scouters who have given leadership in promoting and providing Scouting for Asian American youth, while helping the Asian community understand the aims and methods of Scouting. Click to learn more about the Asian American Spirit of Scouting Award

Meena Mariwalla Troop 154, Mission Peak

Meena was instrumental in inviting the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Fremont to participate in the annual Mission Peak Prayer Hike. That specific church has a large youth orgnaization and has welcomed scouts from all around Fremont to visit and learn more about catholicism through the Prayer Hike activity.

Meena Mariwalla is a role model in hands on leadership presenting the value of Scouting to families in the Asian American community of Mission Peak District. She is active in atttracting young men to participate in and build a strong troop in central Fremont.

Michael Otani Troop 29 Golden Gate District

Throughtout Mike Otani’s scouting leadership he has helped to foster the strong ties between scouting and the units’ sponsoring organization, the Buddhist Church of San Francisco that was founded in 1898.

Since 2008 until the present, Mike Otani is a valued volunteer at The Buddhist Church of San Francisco. It’s congregation is large and through Mike’s example, others in the Buddhist Church have risen to learn and to assist Mike in various, and ongoing projects.

The Buddhist Church of SF has many outreach programs. Through the church’s “Young Junior Buddhist Association” (for teens in grades 8-12), the Troop members partner in their community projects. Mike has helped to facilitate that.

Riyaz Shaikh Troop 2119, Mission Peak

Riyaz Shaikh took responsibility, organized, and presented one of the most significant camping opportunities for a major portion of the Asian American Scouting community. The Muslim Camporee at Wente Scout Camp provided an execptional introduction to the breadth of scouting activites for cubs, scouts, families and parents specifically tailored to the customs, diet, and aims of Islamic faith. Over 400 youth and adults participated. There were scout units from four California councils. Special emphasis was placed on including the female scouts in all of the activities.

Through his efforts to present an Islamic-sensitive camporee, there are many more parents who have volunteered to serve in troop and pack leadership. This is especially significant for one of the largest populations from Asian nations.

iScouting!… Vale la Pena! Service AwardFlory Dekovic

The ¡Scouting…Vale la Pena! Service Award recognizes outstanding service by an adult or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Hispanic/Latino youth. Click to learn more about the Valle La Pena Award.

Vicente Correa Troop 939, Twin Valley

In all of Vicente’s community interactions, he is keenly aware of his Latino heritage and strives to have meaningful exchanges with anyone while advocating for the Latin-X community in Livermore and surrounding environs.

Established in 1986, the Livermore Public Library’s Literacy Program pairs youth and adults who want to improve their basic reading and writing skills with trained volunteer tutors. The results can be positively life-changing for both the adult learner and the tutor. Vicente volunteers in this program and has especially made in impact on learners of the Latino community.

As a member of the Latin-X community, and by his example, Vicente has encouraged many families like his to join scouting while promoting the Aims and Ideals, whether it was through his children’s schools, or at his workplace. Vicente continues to mentor and use his scouting skills wherever he can.

Medal of Merit AwardMike Allison

The Medal of Merit is awarded to Scouts and Scouters who have performed some act of meritorious service above and beyond that normally expected of a youth or adult member of the Boy Scouts of America. This act may involve a lifesaving effort, but is not confined to lifesaving. It may also be awarded for any meritorious action using some aspect of Scouting skills or learning. Click to learn more about the Medal of Merit.

Dashell Dunlany Troop 333, Golden Gate District

On Sunday, November 26, 2023 Dashell Dunlany was eating with his extended family at a hot pot restaurant. During the meal, Dashell noticed his younger brother in distress. He was choking and signaling for help.

From his scout first aid training, Dashell recognized the problem and immediately took action by performing the Heimlich Maneuver several times. A piece of fatty chicken was dislodged and his brother began to breath. Dashell’s quick response and scout training prevented serious injury to his brother.

National Eagle Scout Association AwardsBrian Weaver

The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award is a prestigious recognition granted by the local council’s NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or regional level. Unlike the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, which is a national award, the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award recognizes Eagle Scouts whose efforts have made a positive impact closer to home. Click to learn more about the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award and to view previous awardees.


Joseph Barton

Affectionately known as Joe Pro, is a beacon of dedication and service within the Scouting community. Nearly 24 years ago, Joe embarked on his Scouting journey, culminating in achieving the rank of Eagle with Livermore’s Troop 975. His deep commitment to Scouting led him not only to volunteer his time but also to make it his career. Beginning as a District Executive with the legacy San Francisco Bay Area Council in 2008, Joe serves our council as the Director of Support Services. Under his leadership, the Council successfully provided Summer Camping programming while navigating the challenges of the pandemic. Joe’s unwavering dedication to Scouting principles sets a remarkable example, from his pioneering work in the Lion program to his former role as Grants Chair of the Niles Fremont Rotary Club. His tireless efforts, both professionally and personally, genuinely embody the spirit of ‘Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle.’eaders became legendary, along with his help at roundtables and as an active Unit Commissioner.

Joseph Barton

Orrin Shackleford

A dedicated member of the Scouting community for nearly four decades, he has left an indelible mark on the Silverado District through his multifaceted roles, ranging from Cubmaster to District Chair. His visionary leadership in founding Venturing Crew 222 and fostering community engagement is a testament to his unwavering commitment to Scouting’s values.

Throughout his esteemed career as an Air Traffic Controller, Orrin’s dedication and expertise have been evident, from his service during the Vietnam War to his role as a National Trainer before retiring. His active involvement in his church and passion for steam locomotives further demonstrate his diverse interests and deep engagement in the community. Orrin’s profound patriotism and unwavering commitment to veterans’ causes underscore his selfless nature, embodying the essence of an Outstanding Eagle Scout.

Orrin Shackleford

Tom Weibert

Has profoundly impacted the Golden Gate Area Council through his unwavering commitment to Scouting. His journey from pack leader to council president is marked by extensive involvement, including Executive Board memberships across GGAC and its legacy councils. Tom’s dedication is further exemplified by his receipt of prestigious awards such as the Silver Beaver and Exploring Leadership Award, underscoring his commitment to Scouting’s values.

Outside of Scouting, Tom excels as a marketing professional and is passionate about gold mining. His advocacy has led Roaring Camp Mining to support Scouting, providing countless Scouts with enriching outdoor experiences in the Sierra Nevadas.

Deeply rooted in his community, Tom actively volunteers at Hillside Covenant Church and has supported the ‘White Stag’ leadership program for four decades, showcasing his enduring commitment to youth development and service.

Tom Weibert

James E. West Fellowship Brian Putt

The James E. West Fellowship award is acknowledged for gifts of $1,000 and more to a council endowment fund. A minimum gift of $1000 in cash or marketable securities qualifies for the Bronze level membership. Donors may make cumulative gifts to reach Silver, Gold, and Diamond member levels. The gift must be in addition to the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else—such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary—or in memory of a special individual. Click to learn more about the James E. West Fellowship .



The Second Century Society, SCS, is the Boy Scouts of America’s national social organization of individuals, families, foundations, and corporations stewarded by key volunteers and implemented by the Boy Scouts of America National Foundation. Established in 2011, SCS, replaces the 1910 Society and Founders Circle as the way to recognize Scouting’s major donors at both the local and national levels.

Qualifying gifts to be recognized as a Second Century Society member have a broader definition than Scouting’s major gift recognition in the past. These gifts include an outright gift of $25,000 or more payable over five years, or a deferred gift of $100,000 or more.

Herb Lederman

Herb’s journey into community service began when his son brought home a form seeking Scout leaders. From Webelos Leader to Assistant Council Commissioner, Herb dedicated himself to Scouting, even writing an acclaimed advancement manual for the New York Council.

He established the Task Force for the Handicapped In Scouting (T.H.I.S.), showing his commitment to inclusivity. Herb’s passion for Scouting extended beyond titles; he loved shaping young lives and embraced the inclusion of girls in the organization.

Council President RemarksTom Weibert

Tom Weibert became the Golden Gate Area Council President on October 19 at the GGAC Executive Board meeting. Scouting has always been a part of Tom’s life and he is proud to be a home-grown product of the Golden Gate Area Council. One of his greatest pleasures is to look one of his old Scouting mentors in the eye and say, “Thank you, look what you have done. You have helped to make me the great Father, Leader, and Business Professional I am today.”

As an adult leader in various roles, Tom has helped to pass the torch to a third generation of two Eagle Scouts in the family, one son and one daughter. All four of his children have participated in programs from Cub Scouting to Venturing. He proudly served as Walnut Creek Venture Crew 122 Advisor, home of the White Stag Sierra Leadership Development Program.

Tom has continued to support Scouting as an executive board member of the Mt . Diablo, Mt. Diablo Silverado, and Golden Gate Area Councils. He is a 2016 Silver Beaver recipient, James E. West and Second Century Society member. Read more about Tom at blog.ggacbsa.org.

Tom Weibert

2024 Silver Beaver AwardsSkip Phair

The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given at the council level.

Justin Bosl Tres Ranchos District

Justin Bosl began his journey as a Scouter over ten years ago as a Cubmaster with Tres Ranchos District Pack 556. While participating in the fun of pack meetings and pinewood derbies, Justin found that he had a talent for pack administration. Having been a Scout himself as a youth, he shared his love of Scouting with his sons, and later his daughters, especially relishing opportunities for camping and hiking.

He followed his sons to Troop 722 Castro Valley and served as a Scouts BSA leader. His wife Annemarie soon joined in the family fun, helping found Troop 2722 after doing Girl Scouts with their oldest daughter. Both of them have given countless hours as active volunteers and parents. The Bosl family is generous with their time, talent and treasure, and Justin is recognized as a James E. West fellow.

After several years of unit service, Justin Bosl was recruited as District Chair of the Tres Ranchos District. He provided steady leadership during the very difficult years of the pandemic, with online district meetings and roundtables. Justin’s tenure as district chair was marked by many changes in the district, and he ensured that Scouting continued in Tres Ranchos in spite of the adversity faced. He received the District Award of Merit in 2021.

Justin does not limit his service to Scouting. A dedicated member of the Greek Orthodox Church, Justin is active in Resurrection Parish in Castro Valley, and devoted to youth work within his congregation. He is a recipient of the Prophet Elias Award recognizing exemplary service by Scouters of the Greek Orthodox faith and he continues to work with the National Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting. While serving as Tres Ranchos District Chair, he completed his seminary studies and was ordained as a Deacon of the Greek Orthodox Church. In December, he received another honor, when his bishop, His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco named him Archdeacon of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.

Amy Cole Briones District

In 2009 Amy started out her scouting adventure as a den helper for her older son and in 2010 and continued her leadership role for her younger son as the den leader for his Tiger den of 13 boys.  The family were part of pack 235 in Walnut Creek. At the unit level she has also been a pack committee member, new member coordinator, Assistant Scoutmaster and Scoutmaster for Troop 1811 in Walnut Creek. She also supported the Briones district taking on the roles of Unit Commissioner, Assistant District Commissioner, District Commissioner and Area Council Commissioner. She is a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, Wolfeboro Pioneer and is a merit badge counselor for 20 merit badges, most recently Citizenship in Society. If all those roles were not enough, she is also a Leave No Trace Trainer, been on ILOS staff (Introduction to Leader Outdoor Skills), on staff at LEAD, Briones Troop Challenge Staff, NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) Scoutmaster and has been the Medical Officer for more scouting courses than I can count during her 15 years as an adult scout leader. After taking Wood Badge in 2017 she returned to give back by being a Troop Guide in 2018, Assistant Quartermaster in 2021, Scribe in 2022 and ASM of Program in 2023. Amy is a huge fan of Camp Wolfeboro and has attended as either an Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) or a Scoutmaster (SM) in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. She also went to Sea Base in Florida as the Scoutmaster with her older son, both part of the Scuba trek. Her husband Adam (also a Wood Badge graduate) supports her in all her scouting roles as do her two sons Avery and Grayson who are both Eagle scouts. There is a good reason Amy has been the Medical Officer for so many scouting events, in the working world she is a doctor and works as a Women’s Imaging Radiologist at Kaiser. Never able to wear just “one hat” she is also an Entomologist so if you find any insects you have questions about, she is the person to ask. She also donates her time to other programs as well. She is on the Walnut Creek CERT team since 2021, she does occasional service projects with her medical partners, works with habitat for humanity and the Martinez family shelter.

Amy Cole 2024 Silver Beaver

Jim Dalton Mission Peak District

Jim Dalton, like many others, got into scouting when looking for a new activity for his son. Starting with Pack 163 in Fremont in 2009, his ‘one hour a week’ volunteer position turned into a passion – -obsession some might say- – for scouting on both the youth and adult level. With Pack 163, he was Den Leader for Tigers, Wolf, Bear, Webelos and then moved his Den onto Troop 132 in Fremont. Jim also carried other roles in Pack 163 as committee member and held annual Pinewood Derby car kit building days and was instrumental in getting a new aluminum track for the Pack. Jim was a big proponent of Cub Scout camping and overnight camps. He was hooked at Tiger Cub Safari at Wente and made sure his Den attended all District camps and outings. He joined Crew 212 and helped out Wente and RLM Cub Scout Camps in the kitchen cooking meals and dutch oven delights. Once into Troop 132, Jim joined the leadership as an Assistant Scoutmaster and enjoyed teaching the scouts dutch oven cooking and outdoor skills. Jim also continued to give back by teaching at the Acorn Adult Leadership Training. In 2017 Jim became Scoutmaster and put an emphasis on Boy Scout basics like camping, cooking, hiking, leadership and helped the scouts plan a high adventure trip to Florida’s Sea Base in 2019. He also made trips to Philmont in 2019, 2021, 2022 with the scouts. Jim’s love for dutch oven cooking gave rise to several ‘Iron Chef’ scout cooking competitions and a tradition on Troop 132 campouts. Each campout, on Saturday night – dutch oven desserts are created and cooked by the scouts. Through his volunteer work as kitchen help, clean up days and troop workdays at Ranchos Los Mochos, he could no longer curse the road and into RLM. He organized a repaving and culvert building of the road to RLM with the help of Guerra Construction and an army of volunteers. He earned the Bronze Burrow Award from Tri-Valley District in May of 2022 for leading this momentous project. His love for Camp Wente has grown each year and has taken the Troop to numerous workdays and service project weekends. Through his leadership, Jim has guided his Troop 132 scouts through numerous Eagle Projects for Ohlone Wildlife Center in Newark including, a new animal drop transfer shed, a new cement duck pond, new counter tops, new patio area, new walkways and the new entrance billboard to the property. Many of the Eagle projects since he has been Scoutmaster are construction based. Jim feels these projects should benefit the community with a lasting project and give the scout not only leadership skills, but real-life skills as well. Jim has guided 40 of Troop 132’s scouts to earn their Eagle Rank. Jim founded Crew 132 in 2022 with the intent to keep older scouts motivated and to get them outdoors. Jim received The Mission Peak District- Award of Merit in November of 2023. Scouting has provided Jim with a plentitude of funny stories, a sense of fulfillment seeing scouts grow and earn Eagle Rank and has given him an extended family of troop parents and volunteers, ASM’s and District and Council Staff who will always be lifelong friends.
Jim Dalton 2024 Silver Beaver

Anna Guerra Chief Solano District

Anna has always been eager to help out when needed and has had a helium hand ever since.  The start of Anna’s scouting life began in 2008 when her daughter Isabelle asked to join Girl Scouts in the first grade.   She volunteered to be Isabelle’s Troop leader and only stepped down 12 years later when her daughter earned her Gold Award and her troop had aged out.  Anna earned several Girl Scout recognition awards for volunteering with her troop and the Twin Sisters Service team.  In 2020 Anna earned Gold for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for volunteering in over 500 + service hours in one year.


In 2013 her son Donny joined cub scouts with pack 100, where she became his tiger and wolf den leader.  Anna became the pack advancement chair and the pack popcorn kernel for the next 3 years. She volunteered for Cub Scout day camp from 2013-2022.  In 2017 she attended Woodbadge and was beaded in 2018 as a proud Antelope. From 2018-2019 Anna was the District Popcorn chair. In 2019 she was the council co-chair popcorn kernel.


In 2016 Anna joined Venturing Crew 100 with her daughter as a committee member and in 2018 became the committee chair and Crew Advisor in 2022. Anna was also part of the MDSC Venturing Officers’ Association where she held a couple different Advisory positions from 2017 to 2020.  Anna went to Bechtel Summit with her crew for Venture Fest in 2018.  Venturing has been an exciting experience with many types of adventures.  In 2019 Anna earned the council level Venturing Leadership Award and the Unit Award of Merit.


In 2019 Anna was Chief Solano’s founding ASM for the first female troop 8818g.  In 2020 she took over the role of Scoutmaster, and proudly saw 4 of the founding members reach Eagle. 


There was a need for a Level 1 Archery instructor for our district so Anna volunteered to take the training.  She fell in love with the sport and has held many archery events for both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. She helped to introduce and educate many youth in skills and the enjoyment of archery.  


In September 2021 Anna was inducted into the Order of the Arrow and became an associate advisor for the Sem-Yeto Village. She earned her brotherhood in 2022. 

Luis Izguirre Herms Tres Ranchos District

Born in Lima-Peru, I joined scouting in 1981 and earned the highest Boy Scout rank (Caballero Scout del Peru) as a member of Scout Troop Lima 73. I received my Wood Badge beads in June of 1990.

In Peru, I served as Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster and Boy Scout District Commissioner for Lima member of the Regional and National Training teams as a staff member and Course Director, and I worked on the Professional Staff as Training Executive.

Currently, I’m serving as the Tres Ranchos District Training Chair, Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 708, and Merit Badge Counselor.

Volunteer with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office Communication Team since 2015.

Luis Izaguirre 2024 Silver Beaver

Tamara Sokolov Council Vice President

Tamara started her lifelong journey with scouting by joining Sea Scout Ship Viking as early as any female could at the time – on her 14th birthday. She quickly rose through the ranks and earned the Quartermaster Award, Sea Scout’s equivalent of the Eagle Award, before graduating and stayed active in her college years. She volunteered as Skipper of the ship when she turned 21 and continues to lead the SF Sea Scout programs. During her time as skipper of SSS Viking she has grown the membership of the SF Sea Scout programs, piloted a new Jr. Sea Scouting program, and started a summer day camp and the Sea Scout Base. Tamara’s proudest achievement is that SSS Viking has earned National Flagship recognition twice in recent years.

Tamara has served as a member of her District Operating Committee, and on theGGAC Executive Committee as VP of Young Adult Programs, supporting Sea Scouting, Exploring and Venturing.  She is also active in her church community and has served as a choir member, parish council member, and event coordinator. In 2016 she received the Prophet Elias Award, the Eastern Orthodox Scouting Leadership award.

Tamara Sokolov 2024 Silver Beaver

Carlton Yee Golden Gate District

I started my scouting back in the mid 70s. With Troop 3 and earned star rank. Then came back with my two boys as a Den Leader for two years and then became Cub Master for another two years. I also did Wood Badge back in 2011. That’s when I met you Rose.
I also became Cub Scout roundtable commissioner for a few years and now I’m a unit commissioner.

When I crossed over from Pack to Troop 58 Assistant scoutmaster, and then promoted to scoutmaster, and did it for six years and saw my twin boys become Eagle Scouts . Now I step down back to assistant scoutmaster, and also helping the pack grow.

My role for now is :
OA advisor for Royaneh village.
Camping committee chair for Golden Gate
Unit commissioner
Merit badge counselor
Part of NCap
Assistant Scoutmaster
Helping the Pack as a committee member

Carlton Yes 2024 Silver Beaver

Thank You...

A special thank you to all the volunteers and teams who helped make this great event occur including: <

Rose Godfrey

Ship 72

Steve Bauer

Skip Phair

Trevor Bormann

Mike Ransom

Alameda’s Best Catering

Alameda Elks Lodge 1015

Audio / Visual Services

Cj Perez

Tom Farris

Jeff Tsang

Jim Wagner

Larry Clark

Jeff Biehl

John Bird


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow