Social Media Forum

GGAC’s Social Media Forum Monday, March 15, 2021 @ 7:00pm This is a first and you’re all invited – professional staff, volunteers, parents, and anyone in BSA who manages a unit’s social media content. Interested in creating a Facebook page? We’ll review everything from simple page creation, to day-to-day management, as well as the basics of […]
NYLT Training Sessions

Pictured above is the Staff and Scouts group picture from the winter 2017 class. Here’s a Patrol on a team building exercise. Imagine what the next frame might have shown – a successful team or a crumpled heap of discordant Scouts! The NYLT Staff is planning for three sessions of NYLT in 2021. […]
NYLT Leadership Training

The Scouts BSA NYLT course presents what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW and what a leader must DO, by applying modern leadership and team development theories in a co-ed environment. Participants camp, work, play and learn – living a month in the life of a model troop condensed into an intense […]