Safety Moment – November 1, 2024

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Safety Moment – Scouting for Food Safety

As our scouts work to help others by collecting food, let’s be sure to keep our scouts safe.  Here are some safety tips:
  1. Use the Buddy System. Scouts traveling in Pairs is the best Practice of all.
  2. Utilize Parents, Adult Leaders, and Adult Staff.
  3. Wear Your Uniform. It clearly says who you are and what you are doing.
  4. Inform the Public. Make sure the Scouts can clearly identify who they are and what they are doing on the property if asked.
  5. Set up routes that are doable. Short and quick. They can always come back for more.
  6. Have a sign in sheet and a sign out Sheet to keep track of the groups that are out.
  7. Have a Home base. This gives people a place to come back to. Make them Check in before leaving.
  8. Follow Two Deep leadership if youth will not be with their own Parents.
  9. No riding in vehicles unsafely. Truck beds, the back of hatch backs, minivans with doors open are just asking for disaster. Wear Your Seatbelts.
  10. Watch out for traffic.
  11. Be aware of Dogs.
  12. Set up routes where major streets will not be needed to be crossed.
  13. Don’t eat any of the food that is collected.
  14. Never go inside a person’s house. EVER!
  15. Drive with your Flashers on.
  16. Check bags over before picking them up. Be sure they are items that we are taking.
  17. Always follow and use The Guide to Safe Scouting

Have a safety related question? – contact [email protected]

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