Safety Moment – November 16, 2024

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Safety Moment – What is Bullying

Bullying is a widespread and serious societal problem that has a negative impact on the “target.” (We do not use the term “victim.” Additionally, never label a person who engages in bullying behavior as a “bully.”)
It is not a “phase” that youth have to go through. It is not “just messing around,” and is not something that a youth—the one doing the bullying or the target—will “grow out of.” All forms of bullying are prohibited in Scouting. All forms of bullying violate the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Continued bullying of the target will lead to poor self-image and poor self-esteem. The target may also quit Scouting or become a bully to other, younger youth, thus perpetuating the bullying cycle.
Forms of Bullying
·         Verbal—name calling, teasing, threats
·         Social—spreading rumors, leaving the target out of activities, breaking up or manipulating friendships
·         Physical—hitting, pushing, shoving, physical coercion
·         Group—intimidations, ostracizing
·         Criminal—injury, assault, sexual aggression
·         Cyberbullying—using digital technology such as social media, gaming, texting, etc., for any of the above
For more info check out the Bullying Awareness page.
Remember, do not tolerate bullying of any kind.

Have a safety related question? – contact [email protected]

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