Council Commissioner – Michael Allison

Picture of Michael Allison, GGAC Commissioner

Michael Allison Selected as Golden Gate Area Council Commissioner

The Golden Gate Area Council is excited to announce that Michael Allison will serve as the Council Commissioner. In this role, Michael gives leadership to the Assistant Council Commissioners and District Commissioners.

Michael started his scouting career in 1969 as a Cub Scout in Pack 3230, in Grand Rapids. Michigan. He bridged out of the pack as an AOL scout in early 1970 to Troop 230. He held several PLC leadership positions, including SPL. He was one of the first Eagle scouts in the troop in 1975.

Interest in electronics as a youth led Michael to Michigan Technological University. In 1981 he graduated from MTU with a Bachelor of Arts in Electronic Engineering. A job offer from Lawrence Livermore National lab brought Michael to California. He has worked as a Software Engineer at Livermore, Documentum, Hewlett Packard, as well as a few startup companies.

When not writing programs, he enjoys camping, hiking, and sailing. He recently finished building a 16-foot sailboat.

Michael reentered the scouting program with his son Chris (Eagle, Troop 900). He has held several positions: Assistant Cubmaster, Cubmaster, Troop 900 as Assistant Scoutmaster, and finally Scoutmaster. In an effort to help the pack and troop, he worked at the district level as roundtable staff, training staff, in the council level training team, Wood Badge course, and District Commissioner. He is currently registered as an Assistant Council Commissioner with GGAC. Michael is the recipient of the District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver, and NESA Outstanding Eagle honors.

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