Millie M – VOA President

Millie M VLA President for 2022-3

Millie M . . .
GGAC Venturing Officers' Association President for 2022-2023

We are excited to announce the selection of Millicent “Millie” Moon as the 2022-2023 GGAC Venturing Officers’ Association President. Millie has been serving in this role as soon as she was officially sworn in on August 11, 2022.


Millie discovered Venturing after joining Scouts BSA when she was just under 13. Prior to joining Scouts BSA, she was already experienced in outdoor adventures (skiing, backpacking, climbing etc.) and saw Venturing as a good opportunity to continue exploring the outdoors and share those experiences with others.


Millie’s most recent leadership position was the President of Venturing Crew 2 in Alameda, but she has served as the Assistant Senior Patrol leader as well as the Senior Patrol leader for Scouts BSA Troop 7 as well. In 2021, she was a youth volunteer for Wood Badge and in 2022, she attended Philmont Scout Ranch. Millie is currently a Life Scout and an Ordeal Honor member of the Order of the Arrow in Yerba Buena Lodge.  Millie is a sophomore at Head Royce School in Oakland.


She is looking forward to continued communication with other Venturing Crews in GGAC and sharing her ideas for future VOA events. On October 1, 2022, Millie attended the virtual National Service Territory 3 Venturing Officers Orientation. Trained by the Territory 3 VOA Officers, Millie is better prepared to Lead the Adventure and fulfill her term obligations. She is excited to serve as the Council VOA President for the 2022-23 term!

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