Snow Camping

First things first when you go snow camping . . . build a fire!

Troop 203, Peralta District goes Snow Camping

Oakland Troops 203 B&G had a fantastic time snow camping behind Lake Alpine (top of Highway 4) over the weekend of Feb 18-19. This is a long time tradition for Troop 203B and the first time for 203G which was chartered last Fall of 2202. In fact, it was not only the first time snow camping for the girls, but also their first backpacking trip!

We met early morning in Oakland and drove up to Lake Alpine (about 3.5 hours) where we unloaded at the end of the road. The Scouts then put together 3 homemade sleds which have been passed down in the Troop from long ago. There are three wooden sleds which nest into each other for storage and have skis attached to them at the trailhead by the Scouts each time. Once the sleds were built, they were piled high with bins of patrol gear, a lot of wood to keep us warm, an iron sheet on which to build the fire and some of the food. 

Snow camping
Snow camping

We then hiked in about 3 miles to the backside of Lake Alpine. The first mile or two was fairly easy going as the passing of many snow mobiles had back down and smoothed the snow. Once we turned off this “main” road, it was much more challenging and most of us didn’t have snow shoes…and kept sinking to our knees!

Once we arrived, everyone shoveled out areas for their tents and packed down the snow underneath. Our only mishap was when one of the 6th grade scouts buried the white funnel we needed to transfer white gas into the stoves .  .  . much digging ensued, the funnel was found, and lesson learned! Then the cooks got to work.
Snow camping
Snow camping
Next up was building snow kitchens for each patrol and getting the fare started so everyone could stay warm. The patrols cooked delicious meals for dinner and breakfast. After dinner, we had a really fun “Winter”-themed campfire that three Scouts planned and MC’d as part of their Communication merit badge.
We then packed up and headed back to the trailhead about 11am. On our way out, we ran into a Piedmont Council troop that was headed in. We hope that they had as good a time as we did and that other troops get the chance to snow camp. It is truly beautiful.

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