Wood Badge – update

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Wood Badge – Advanced Leadership Training for Adults.

Heads up . . . Deadline almost here . . . Registration cost increases are on the way

Last day to get the current rate for the Autumn course is Monday, August 16, 2021

Last day to get the current rate for the Fall course is Monday, August 23, 2021

During this last year and a half, we have seen a lot of challenges that has made Scouting a little harder. To help with those challenges Wood Badge can give you the opportunity to:

• Find a new Spark in Scouting
• Renew the FUN in Scouting
• Learn tools that will help make your volunteer work in Scouting easier.
• Help you plan and focus on the things you are already do in Scouting in a more meaningful way.

By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning and leading change. Participants will better learn to understand and appreciate diversity and differences in our society. They will learn skills that will make them a better Scout leader. Units with trained leaders are able to deliver an improved program and a more meaningful experience for the youth Scouting serves.

Reflecting the best of nearly a century of Scouting experience, Wood Badge draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles and successful organizations throughout the country. Wood Badge training was begun by Baden Powell in 1919 as a way to ensure that the leaders of Scout troops were properly trained. Since then Wood Badge has been held worldwide, providing advanced leadership training to thousands of Scout leaders. Wood Badge builds upon the best traditions and experiences of the Boy Scouts of America and also draws from a wide range of courses within and beyond the bounds of Scouting to present the latest in leadership theory and team development.

Golden Gate Area Council is holding 2 courses in 2021!

Autumn Course: September 10 – 12 at Camp Herms and September 25 – 26th at Camp Rancho Los Mochos
Fall Course: September 13 – 15 and October 12 – 13, both weekends at Camp Herms

For more information or to register go to: Wood Badge

Oh, and did we say . . . it’s FUN!

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