Wente Dock Dedication

Fishing from the new dock at Wente

Dedication of the new dock at Wente Scout Reservation

We enjoyed a wonderful scouting event at the end of June to honor long time Scouter, Al Westberg at the Wente Scout Reservation.  Al was the Scout Executive of the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council for several years and passed last year after retiring just a couple of years earlier.  He was an avid fisherman so some scouting supporters and friends of Al, donated some funds to purchase a fishing dock and help expand the fishing program at the Wente Scout Reservation.  We miss him but his legacy will continue. 

Scouters with the newly dedicated dock at Wente in the background
L-R: John Richers, Bob Dees, Tom Edwards, Mike Hale
Scout at water's edge with his catch of the day
The one that didn’t get away!

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